Sunday, May 08, 2005

Every party needs a red firetruck pinata

I'm always slightly alarmed on waking up the morning after a big party to remember certain things which happenend which probably would not have happened had there not been an open bar.

Fortunately, memories of last night only have me raising my eyebrows slightly at myself, instead of gagging over the toilet in shame. Highlights include linking arms with a male friend and skipping (literally, across grass, in heels) over to the bar after we'd decided we were tag-teaming the bartenders (both of whom were ridiculously gorgeous, NOT dating each other, and had slightly panicked looks on their faces as they watched our progress across the lawn), and busting through the crowd to reach friends Nicky the Fish and IslandGirl while screeching: "My people! My people are here!".

As that's the worst of it, I think I got off lightly.

It was my old friend Em D'Less's boyfriend's 30th birthday, and while I barely know her boyfriend well enough to say hello to he seems to make her extremely happy - and for that our entire gang were quite happy to accept the invitations to his birthday. (Oh wait, I already told you about the open bar part, so you know the "he makes her happy" line's a crock and that we just wanted the free drinks.)

D'Less was going around introducing me to everyone as "my bestest friend in the whole wide world" - a line which was starting to get to me, until I confessed my irritation to a friend and discovered that D'Less was introducing her with the exact same tag.

Well, we said. We'll just see about that. "Let's get her to introduce both of us to someone at once," my brilliant-but-evil friend suggested.

Sure enough, about 30 seconds later D'Less popped up again (informing us for only the 34th time that she was drunk), and waved to someone she knew. "Introduce us," we chimed innocently. Happily she chanted: "This is my bestest friend -" and we pounced. Poor D'Less. She was so flustered. I think that was when we started taking wine glasses away from her (not the most well-thought out decision, as we then had to drink them ourselves).

To be honest I'd had low expectations for the night, but it turned out to be an excellent one. The spectacle of D'Less waving a stick around the dance floor like some kind of shroomed-out Jedi Knight (completely missing the red firetruck pinata dangling about five feet behind her) is one I will treasure, while GS's news that the Hot Bartender was 26 and single had me tripping back and forth from the bar WAY more than I should've been (until the end when GS informed me he'd made it up, and that in fact Hot Bartender was but a mere 19 and did have a girlfriend, though she was not at this party).

He couldn't have been 19. That's just a year older than my little sister, and he HAD to have been older than that. Clearly more reconaissance work must be done before we close this case ...

Oh, and happy birthday, D'Less's Man!


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