Wednesday, October 12, 2005

And they're out of the blocks ...

Enough with the worrying about what's going on at home. Sketchy Sked provides far more food for thought - with far less accompanying stress!

Classes are finally moving into full swing this week, with Sex, Race and Slavery kicking off quite spectacularly by Sketch debunking the entire Christian faith within the first five minutes ("Christians are obsessed by sex while Jesus barely makes any reference to it - meanwhile all the things that Christ really cared about are pretty much ignored by the Christian faith. Jesus didn't even know what a homosexual was, he lived in the Ancient World where everybody had sex with everybody and it didn't matter - as Marc Antony famously put it in a letter, 'It doesn't matter where you put it, so long as you put it somewhere'. Yes, he was referring to his penis.")

I'm taking that class for the race and slavery sections, honestly, but the sex section - which apparently will dominate the first term - is certainly proving interesting so far.

Political Islam promises to be far more difficult - and less entertaining. The two hour lecture yesterday was given at top speed without regard for the fact that the majority of the students have no idea how to spell all the Islamic words involved. Clearly I will have to get my school skates on in a hurry for this one. Same with Crisis Decision-Making, for which we had our first seminar this morning. It was forcefully driven home that my lack of a history background is going to be a handicap for me in this programme. Fortunately everything around the history parts - i.e. the thinking about why such and such a thing happened, what people were thinking, what caused this to happen and that not to happen, the actual international relations part of the history of international relations course - is proving to be exactly what I wanted. Phew. My life savings are not being wasted!

In the meantime, I continue in my bad habit of hanging out largely with people I already knew before coming to London. The excuse right now is that former 40 Aberdeen alumni Kari Leigh is here staying for the week - we've been having a great time tearing up London, while the Investment Banker Crew has very kindly taken us out several times and even provided a healthy supply of their drink of choice, champagne and Red Bull. Nice one, gentlemen. Too bad as an Independent Woman I can't accept their charity for much longer (or buy rounds myself), but it was fun the first few times! Who knew investment bankers could have so much kick to them.

In short, the wheels are slowly starting to turn. I should really enjoy this creaking stage before they start picking up speed ...


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