Sunday, May 08, 2005

Hot pink mopeds??

Hot Bartender actually forms a good segue to a story I need to put on this site.

See, I've actually met him before (by the way I've just been informed by other sources that he is in fact only 20, and is apparently one of the Lifeguard Crew, and that I shouldn't bother - shame). But the point is, that I've met him before, at a Department of Tourism media luncheon just about a week ago.

It was the Tourism Minister's second such luncheon, held to release tourism stats and introduce new tourism initiatives. As I'm the Tourism reporter at the Royal Gazette, I'm the lucky one who gets the invite.

The first one was great, lots of pop and sizzle, blazing a new path forward for tourism. This second one, held at the Wyndham Resort (formerly the Sonesta Beach Resort) wasn't so great. Lunch was a chicken burger (I'm a vegetarian) and the most exciting new initiative was the PASAs - "pop and sizzle ambassadors", four guys who will this summer whiz around the Island on hot pink mopeds talking to tourists and "spreading the love". Hot pink mopeds. Geez.

In fact, Hot Bartender, seated at my table (still not sure why he was there), was the highlight of the lunch. I'm always interested in what Ewart Brown has to say, but this was stretching it, I thought as I moved my poor dead fowl around on my plate.

After the lunch, I checked my cellphone - to find a message from Sir John Swan, the former Premier of Bermuda. Paraphrasing roughly, this is what he had to say: "Hey Sarah, John Swan here. Listen, I'm having lunch at Mid-Ocean Club today with GEORGE BUSH (Sr.), and was wondering if YOU COULD JOIN US and TALK WITH HIM A BIT. Call me back."

THE FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Lunch (at the Mid-Ocean, wow) with John Swan and George Bush, Sr. And there I'd been, listening to Dr. Brown proudly detailing hot pink mopeds!

Frantically I called Sir John back, but of course by then it was too late - the President was back out on the golf course (and leaving the Island in about an hour) while Sir John was back in his office. I was crushed. Practically suicidal. Destroyed by the lost opportunity. The well-meaning words of comfort from co-workers ("Oh, that's the worst thing I've ever heard in the world!", "Hot pink mopeds? Really?", and "Who wants to interview George Bush? He's kind of an asshole, you know!") only served to heighten my despondency. I had to break the hot pink mopeds out into their own little story just to prove to myself that my life DOES have meaning.

And now I've just depressed myself again. What a way that would've been to end my time at The Royal Gazette. Don't think about it, don't think about it!

But the next time Dr. Brown doesn't want to give me a comment on something, I'm SO going to guilt-trip him ...


Blogger Independent Woman said...

Well, well, well, look who it is!

Yeah! Now I have something to post today. I'm going to give you a little shout out and put you on my blog list.

Check you out, you even figured out how to add to your own list. I think it took me at least a week to figure out how to change my sidebar!!!

11:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, IG! Hey isn't it interesting that your blog initials are IG and those are also the initials of Inspector Gadget - I think that's very interesting. Don't you?

6:37 pm  

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