Thursday, August 11, 2005

And Then Desecrating Mass

The last time I went to church was to attend the funeral of a friend who died well over a year ago. The time before that, I think, was for a wedding of some sort. It might even have been the Easter I spent in Canada with Triner's fam about four or five years ago. Not exactly what you'd call faithful.

But yesterday, exploring the streets of Gallegos while Negra and her mom got haircuts (yes, Becca, I hate to admit it but it's as bad as you feared), I just really, really had to pee. I mean, this was an emergency. And somehow I'd ended up in a part of town with no cafes, no restaurants, nothing I could quietly sneak in to.

Then I saw the church.

It can't be that bad for a heathen to sneak into a church to use the bathroom. Especially when it's not a Sunday and there were no services going on. So in I snuck, and was naturally promptly caught by the tiniest, cutest little old lady you've ever seen - ribbons in her hair and all - who'd been quietly praying there.

Skinner would have been impressed, I didn't even turn red, I just coolly stood there in the middle of God's House and lied to this little old lady, saying that I had just wanted to see what it looked like on the inside. Oh well you are welcome here, she replied kindly, patting me on the arm, this is God's House, we are all his sheep, his children, all are welcome here, all can find shelter in God's love, stay as long as you want, look around, pray.

It was on the tip of my tongue to reply that I'd been praying for a bathroom for about 20 minutes and if she'd just point me in the right direction all my prayers would've been answered, but I managed to restrain myself and just thanked her. Then when she returned to her quiet prayer, rushed into the bathroom and then slipped out the back door.

But you can't go to hell for something like that. Right? And does writing about it on a blog count as confession??


Blogger Independent Woman said...

If you don't believe in hell you ain't goin', sista!

10:24 am  

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