Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Carpe Diem!

Is that how it's spelled? I'm not sure. Don't do that freaky-deaky French stuff. (Is that even French?)

The point is, the Unfathomable Bus Ride from Hell begins tomorrow. Belen and I bought our tickets ages ago - to my horror we were forced to use Andesmar once again. Apparently good ol' TAC used to go to Rio Gallegos, but does so no longer. (Damn you, TAC!)

Belen seemed to misinterpret the look of terror on my face when she steered me in the direction of Andesmar. "Oh they have heaters on the bus," she told me seriously. I struggled to control my features as Internal Sarah promptly threw a fit of hysterics, and managed a manic grin which I hoped expressed relief but seemed to worry Belen even more. I didn't want to get into the whole story of Martin with her. Remembering my Bruce Chatwin (and ignoring the fact that the first time he mentioned Rio Gallegos was to note that it was a boring town) and all the pics of Patagonia I've seen, I suggested hopefully that it would be worth it, with all the amazing scenery that would be passing by our windows.

"Not really," she replied offhandedly. "There's really nothing to see."

Which (finally) brings me to the point. With 40 hours worth of nothing to do and nothing to look at, there will be plenty of time for reading our books, conjugating verbs, and drafting blog entries. Study time. We must use this time wisely. We won't fritter these 40 hours away. Honestly. I'm excited.

Fortunately Belen's dad managed to get us on a flight back to Rosario, so this won't be a repeat performance. And the flight back to New York in a few weeks is going to seem like NOTHING. Easy as pie.

Rio Gallegos, here we come!


Blogger Independent Woman said...

Doh! Carpe Diem is Latin!!! Do you even know what language you're speaking!?!?!

4:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes Sarah,

I was about to tell you the same thing...

Anyway, now you know... back to sipping some tea...

Field Trip Hill

6:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you happen to have Martin as your bus attendant again, remind him that, while you're happy for him that he consistently gets his nightly beauty rest, some of you would like to be able to breathe during the busride so TURN DOWN THE HEAT. And don't feel shy about opening up that cooler and passing out drinks, everyone does it.

8:08 pm  
Blogger SarahT said...

Latin? I didn't know I knew Latin. For some reason I had "Kismet, Hardy" stuck in my head - which IS French - right? The kismet part, I mean. Not Hardy. He was some English dude. So that's why I thought it was French. Wait, where am I. What's going on. I'm very tired ...

3:16 pm  
Blogger Emma said...

"Kismet" is the English version of an Arabic word, meaning "fate".

7:49 am  
Blogger SarahT said...

Kismet is anglophied Arabic?? Are you sure? Didn't Mr. Janes tell us way back in the day that those were the last words of some great English military guy to his - um - deputy or something? And that they were French? It sounds a lot more French than Arabic. And I definitely don't know Arabic. Wasn't it Lord Nelson? Or is that just a tall ship?

Me duele la cabeza ...

12:11 am  
Blogger Emma said...

Jesus Sarah...

According to popular legend (the story is now widely dismissed as untrue), Admiral Horatio Nelson uttered the words "Kismet, Hardy" to his first mate while dying, and that his words were misheard as "Kiss me, Hardy".

The reason he was dying was that he was shot by a French sniper while leading a naval ass-whooping the likes the world had never seen against the French navy - so suffice to say, it's highly unlikely he would choose to speak frog at such an important moment.

9:11 pm  
Blogger SarahT said...

You're so smart TJL ;)

5:56 pm  

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