Saturday, June 25, 2005

No, Mother, we are not walking to Chile

And yes, Dad, we are aware that it may be "chilly" and that the food may be "hot" - i.e. chili. I get it. I promise. We got comedians, right here, folks.

But we're going anyway. On Monday Becca and I are braving the nightmarish TAC bus ride back to Mendoza. We'll spend Tuesday there and sleep at Campo Base one more time (would you die if Beckham was still there, Becca? Would! You! Die!), before hopping on a morning bus over the Andes into Chile. Apparently they've re-opened the routes after all the snow and avanlanches last week (we asked, Mom, it's perfectly safe and if it isn't we won't go, I promise!).

We'll arrive in Santiago de Chile sometime on Wednesday afternoon, meeting up with Becca's cousin the next day. Then, if all goes according to plan, we'll be back safe and sound in Argentina by the weekend (though plans really are just made to be deviated from, so I'm making no commitment to that yet). (Wait, we have massages scheduled for Saturday. Ok, maybe this one time we'll stick to the plan.)

Any word out there on Chilean wines?


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