Friday, June 17, 2005

150 pesos my ass

Now that I'm a student again, budgeting is a top priority.

Actually, technically speaking, I'm not even a student right now - technically I'm just unemployed. Which means I should be living like unemployed people do, ie off Kraft dinner every night (I'm not even living off the dole! Where's Financial Assistance when you need them?). With our poverty in mind, while living it up in Mendoza last weekend Becca and I swore that once we returned to Buenos Aires we were limiting ourselves to 150 pesos (around $50) per week. As Becca actually IS a student who also has rent to think about (which reminds me, I don't have to pay rent right now, do I Mom and Dad?), budgeting was a priority. Not so much for Island Girl, who fortunately (I use that term loosely) does have a job waiting for her at the good ol' RG when she goes home next week. (Apparently I'm the only scrub of the group. Ah well, somebody's gotta make everybody else look good, right?)

But I digress. The point is, we set ourselves a budgetary limit of 150 pesos. And then on Wednesday night we went to Asia de Cuba and blew the entire week over one meal.

Again, keeping our spending in perspective (ie converting it into Bermuda dollars), the dinner out (which turned into drinks and dancing until 6am) really only cost us approximately the entrance to Splash and the experience blew that place away. Plus we really tried to keep the budget in mind - most notably when we reasoned at around 3am that purchasing a 60 peso bottle of Chandon champagne was in fact perfectly acceptable as that was the same price as two martinis at the bar. (Keeping in mind the fact that I had already downed two martinis, and was truly horrified to discover that they cost 30 pesos each. I mean, that's right up there with Pickled Onion prices. And they only came with one olive! At Pickled the guy practically hands over the jar of olives when I ask for extras!)

The champagne was so worth it though. As were the other Chandon products - the O2, and the Latitud 33. (The martinis were so-so.) The meal itself was also killer - right up there with Sucre. And Asia de Cuba is to die for - again, super hip trendy restaurant - I think I actually liked the decor better there, and the music. They eat dinner a wee bit late in BsAs (around 11pm usually) and at 1am it turns into a club - that was the point when ALL the beautiful people came crawling out of the woodwork. To my everlasting shock, I even found myself be-bopping around the room at several points.

So, the moral of the story is, if you set yourself a budget - don't ever, EVER go out drinking with your card, especially if Rebecca is your Budget Buddy and actually convinces you that it's economical to purchase champagne.

But really. It made total sense at the time!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi girls! so glad it is all going so well - apart from sounding like a bunch of alcholics.......don't day it Sarah!!!! Take care with the money stuff etc. you still have LSE to cover.......all that aside, I am GREEN WITH ENVY and wishing I could be 25 again!!! And oh yes, I adore your blogs!!! love and hugs, mom xxx

12:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, your first and only mistake was having my sister as your Budget Buddy. This is the student who buys herself Seven jeans and, like the champagne, convinces herself that it's more "economical." Glad you guys are having so much fun, wish I could visit. I love your blog!! xoxo, Rachael

11:50 am  
Blogger SarahT said...

I know Rach, she's been going on and on about the Seven jeans - we saw a girl wearing Sevens the other day and Becca was going to stop her to ask where she got them from. It's so all about the name brands!

11:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will say though, in her defense, those Sevens do look great on her!!

3:15 pm  

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