Saturday, June 04, 2005

Top ten things I love about My Mother

1) When she and her sisters all laugh together, their shoulders all move up and down at the exact same time and they all have the exact same helpless look on their faces and it's one of the funniest sites that Katemeister, LisaJayne and I have ever seen

2) She calls everyone "lovey", even if she's only just met them

3) She truly believes that our dog is her fourth child and will let him get away with just about anything

4) She's one of the most generous people I've ever met, practically ready to mortgage the house if it means she can help someone

5) She's also one of the most hospitable people I've ever met, welcoming every single random person that her children have brought home or that Rotary has dumped on her with open arms (and a cup of tea and a "Hello, lovey", of course)

6) She believes that drinking hot tea in the summer time actually cools her down

7) She also believes that tea is the ultimate solution to every single one of life's tribulations

8) She's like a momma bear protecting her cubs, charging at the slightest threat to her kids (her decision to phone one child's ex and bitch them out being a case in point)

9) She watches Desperate Housewives with me every Sunday, even when she's pooped

10) She is completely convinced that her children are the greatest people to ever live in the history of the entire universe, even when our rooms aren't clean - with that kind of faith behind us, how can we ever go wrong?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We had to leave your Mom a birthday message but I agree 100% with your 10 reasons for loving your mom.

I so enjoy reading your site and thank you for sharing your thoughts.

Love Aunt Sam

9:58 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saaarrrahhhh!!!! Honey THANK YOU!!! so great of you to write - I can't believe you wrote me that!! I LOVE IT HONEY! Thanks so very, very much, you really MADE MY DAY! I love you ssooooooo much! Mom xxxxxxxxx

10:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh gosh, you've made me cry at my desk again. Damn, I'm going to get fired for this one day!
Happy Birthday Mrs. Titterton!
love, nicole

12:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Nicole, you are a sweetie!!! Just when I think Sarah is not listening she does something wonderful that makes me realise what I wonderful child I have been lucky enough to have! 'course I'm just her mom and slightly biased! hugs, Lizzie

5:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Honey. Have just logged on and ready your wonderful "tribute" to mum (for her b'day). It was lovely and made me laugh. Sweetheart - you are truly amazing and I love you very, very much!
Be careful and keep up the good (no great!) writing. Fun and very entertaining to read.
Much, much love, aunty Phil xoxoxo

9:16 am  

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