Thursday, May 26, 2005


We have arrived safe and sound in Buenos Aires! Though not entirely in one piece as the airline lost Becca{s luggage. Also Rebecca and I both have been alarmed at how rusty our Spanish is ... but so far all is well, our apartment is great, we have already spoken with Belen, and now we have to get food!


Blogger SarahT said...

Oh ya garl the food tastes WELL! Except for all the major cow flesh everywhere of course. But they found Becca´s luggage and sent it, and we have basically been eating our way through BA ever since. They have these fabulous empanadas, basically little turnovers filled with with flesh (yuck) or with humita (corn), or cheese and onion, or a kind of napolitan cheese, tomato and basil ... YUMMY. And alfajores, and dulce de leche ... I´m going to write an entire post just on the food soon so you´ll get the details then! Ok I´m going to check YOUR blog now ...

4:44 pm  

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