Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Viva la revolucion!

As if the Sucre experience wasn't enough, we also took part in our first demonstration yesterday.

Relax, family, it wasn't a riot or anything. But hey, we were there. We're looking for ourselves in the newspapers today.

We were walking by the National Congress (after an interesting little adventure on the bus which I won't go into now) when we noticed a crowd of people gathering on the Congress steps, along with tons of news cameras and TV and two guys holding a net full of balloons.

A story! I thought (immediately alarmed at how excited I got and realising I was suffering from severe RG withdrawal).

Of course we had to go over, but we couldn't figure out what was going on. So Becca asked a guy standing next to us, and of course he turned out to be one of the main organisers, so he led us through the gates and next thing we knew we were standing on the steps of the National Congress with a bunch people raising awareness about organ donation in front of all the TV cameras.

We didn't look too out of place though. I swear.

And yes, Mom, it was a peaceful demonstration. Pretty anti-climactic really. They released all the balloons, everyone cheered and took pictures, and the media were pretty much packed up and gone by the time we got down the steps.

One demonstration down. What political cause can we take up next?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Viva Evita!!! All those wonderful revolutaries!!!!! (sp?!) Again, another great tale - I hope you are keeping track! love mom xxxxx

9:23 pm  
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