Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I love the sketchy places

I don't know why all the posts I put up seem to revolve around our food adventures, but there you have it.

We'd gone to a movie in this ridiculous mall called Abasto which has an enormous amusement park in it for children called Neverland (has a verdict been reached in that trial, btw?), we were miles from our house on a street we didn't really know, and I was about to start chewing on my Spanish dictionary from hunger. So when the smell of pizza slammed into my nostrils, I didn't stop to think. Fortunately the girls were right behind me.

The place? Ugi's. The decor? White bathroom tiles with red plastic chairs, flourescent lighting - the overall effect leaves your face looking like the stuff of nightmares. The menu? Large cheese pizza. That's it. Just large cheese pizza. Nothing else.

The price? 3.79 pesos for the large pizza. That's around $1.20 - split between three people. We ordered one and three beers. (Naturally we'd neglected to remember that in Argentina, "a beer" means a bottle the size of an OE bottle.) In Ugi's, they were hauled over the counter to us complete with little dixie cups like those you see at the dentist's office. We devoured the first pizza and ordered another - they were just making them regardless of whether people were ordering them or not, so barely had I opened my mouth to order the second when he was handing the steaming pie to me. The hobbit-sized dixie cups made the Ent-sized beers go down no problem. In the end we'd stuffed ourselves with some of the best pizza we'd ever tasted, quenched our thirst, and gotten the strength for the trek back home, all for roughly the equivalent of two bucks each.

How can I ever go back to Bermuda - or worse, to London - after this?!


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