Friday, June 10, 2005

¿¿Como se puede ... ??

After more than two weeks in Argentina we are mastering the art of bluffing.

Yesterday as we wandered the Retiro bus station both Rebecca and I had to fake it as our trials and tribulations with the Spanish language continued (Robyn, the sneaky little site, manages to get out of these humiliating situations - for the most part - by arguing that she doesn't know ANY Spanish so of course she can't be expected to ask questions).

It started when Rebecca went to ask what time we could board our bus to Mendoza. "At what time does one ... " she began articulately, with an innocent look and her eyebrows raised. Sure enough, the ticket agent jumped right in and finished her sentence for her. We got the info we needed and still have no idea what "to board" is. (Llevar or subir??)

Then, as the clock ticked down (way past the time we should've boarded by) and our bus didn't appear, we grew increasingly worried that we'd missed it. Apparently it could have been in any one of the eight bays we were standing near, and buses of all different shapes, sizes and companies were around us. Our tickets clearly stated "TAC" and platforms 10-18, but hey, really. That could've meant anything. So Rebecca decided I was the batter up on this one, and off I trotted to the first bus that came in (an Expreso something or other). The driver was lounging on the platform when I presented him with our tickets with a flourish, and asked politely (batting my eyelashes the best I could) if he was our driver.

"No," he replied, looking at me oddly (probably wondering if I had something in my eye). "Your bus is a TAC bus. This is Expreso something or other."

"Oh," I replied, faking it. "That's the NAME of the bus?!" (Naturally we'd suspected it was but who knows. Homer: "Doh!")

"Yes," he replied. "You'll be in one of those bays." Well thanks for that, buddy.

Of course, we needn't have worried. The bus pulled up right on time with TAC proudly displayed - though to be fair it was all blue, and we were looking for yellow and red like on our tickets.

Still. Sometimes I can't believe the three of us hold university degrees. Look out, LSE, you have no idea what you're getting in to come September ...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hiiiiii. i was told llevar is to board, but then agin, i'm only and level 1, so i wouldn't put it past them to lie kindly to us about it.


6:01 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have, in horrible friend fashion, just started reading your blogs and have a feeling that I am going to lose my job by the end of the week because I'm addicted! I hope you are having fun in the wine district. Take care and drink up for me!
Em. xoxo

8:16 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ladies:

You guys are unreal. 3 colleges degrees and still...... I am reading this on the train on my blackberry. Out loud.

Ipswich Dad

8:20 am  
Blogger SarahT said...

Kait are you studying Spanish now? Hurrah, when are you coming to join us - and did you get the Cramer email? I'm so torn, how much fun would that be! Em, nice to hear from you! And Ipswich Dad, I sincerely hope you're not just sitting there on the train reading out loud - you ARE reading TO someone, right?

12:34 pm  

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