Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Che, boluda, pelotudo, dale Ramon, listo, viste, chau!

Ok, so have made my peace with the fact that I will not be waxing poetical on the awful beauty of Patagonia and Fireland as well as colouring the Bs and all the new friends on this blog while I am in Argentina. I could probably finish it all now before I have to race to the airport but I'd rather drink coffee in Rapsodia one last time. So there. Boo yah.

Just said goodbye to Joe - Bec, IG, he sends his best wishes and apparently we can all return just whenever we feel like it, sooner rather than later. He also informed me that Ian has vacated the apartment next door to take a BIGGER apartment nearby - with (wait for it) a ROOMATE ... (yep, there it is, that's the sound of the wheels in Becca's head turning!). I very nearly started laughing in Joe's face but fortunately he smelled gas at that moment. Saved by the potential firebomb. They should really do something about that gas leak.

Then he cheerfully added that two 25-year old football players from Barbados have taken Ian's old apartment for a year. They moved in two weeks ago and are playing for one of the clubs here. "They're taking Spanish lessons," he said whimsically. "It made me think of you, so I thought I would tell you about them. I'm sure you would like them."

Way to drop that crumb three days after I returned to La Capital and two hours before I leave again, Joe. I'm sure I would've loved them.

Y Brunella, para vos, que estas leyendo - recuerdas que te dije que escribiria algo en castellano especialmente para vos y la familia? Bueno, aca vamos. Fue increible a conocer uds., por fin, y por supuesto especialmente a ver y charlar con la Negra de nuevo. No puedo decirte como increible fue, me hicieron sentir como un parte de la familia y no les olvidare. Bueno, quizas Martin, porque nunca pude entenderle de todos modos, excepto cuando estaba borrachado y hablando ingles perfectemente. Pero los demas - no les olvidare! Y que me escriban - claro todavia hay que aprender mucho, asi que cuando volver, todavida podere a entender lo que esta pasando!

Pero que no me canten Dale Ramon nunca mas. Magalinahagalinaookatokawakatoka!

Alright that's enough of this boludez. It's coffee time. Listo!


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4:02 am  

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