Monday, November 07, 2005

The prince! Is marrying the sea witch! In disguise!

Wow, Becca. Way to introduce me to yet ANOTHER Sad Song.

First it was Rufus Wainwright's Hallelujah, off the Shrek soundtrack. I wonder how many hours we managed to waste in good ol' Conde y Elcano listening to that song on repeat and "philosophising" about the nature of love and Malbec (and having Special Bed epiphanies about the "only thing I learned from love" line). (To everyone else, that sounded really sketchy but it honestly wasn't. Honestly.)

Then there's Daniel Beddingfield's The One, which was an important Hangover Sundays installment back on the Rock - Shakira's No, which took up entirely too much time in Gallegos - Sarah McLachlan, who I often discovered certain roomates sobbing noisily too after traumatic boyfriend incidents such as him neglecting to say "I love you" on hanging up the phone (what a jerk) - I even seem to remember a KCi and JoJo song that would actually reduce certain people to tears in Trinity before the opening chords were even completed. (Wow. Girls really are crazy.)

And now, thanks to Becca, it's James Blunt - Goodbye My Lover. Way to tell me about that one so that I downloaded it and now can't stop listening to it while playing Solitaire and trying to stop myself from charging to Tesco's with my laundry bag and buying all the chocolate they have in the store. (That's what the laundry bag is for. To put all the chocolate into, instead of wasting tons of plastic bags. Climate change is going to be The Challenge of the 21st century, you know. That's what Paul's argument regarding America as an international outlaw basically was: America sucks but hey, everyone, we're all going to melt and the earth is going to implode if we don't do something about climate change soon. It might even be too late already, but reduce, reuse, recycle anyway!)

The point being, James Blunt is sapping all my desire to complete my essay on whether or not the Iranian Revolution was truly Islamic or not (what does it matter when his lover is going?? What happened to his lover anyway? I don't understand, is she leaving him? But doesn't she love him anymore? Did he disappoint her? Why would she leave him when he clearly loves her so much? Is love just not enough? Must I listen to it again and again and again until I understand these mysteries? And isn't the "You have been the one for me" line the saddest ever - imagine saying that to someone! I mean, we still have The One took look forward to - imagine saying goodbye forever to The One, and knowing that there's no more Ones to look forward to, cuz of course if there were then The One wouldn't have been The One! And, worst of all, that it could be your fault that you are saying goodbye to The One! What a leftover life that would be!)

Yeesh. Good one, Becca. Here's to the Year of the Faith. A little Islamic fundamentalism is a nice cheerful alternative to James Blunt. Now, off to download Disney's Under the Sea ("yeah we in luck here, down in the muck here!").

Well, drastic times call for drastic measures.


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7:51 pm  
Blogger SarahT said...

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8:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I so know the answer to all those questions... serious, try me, anyone of um...

I Love You the Most


9:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info »

5:34 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's a great story. Waiting for more. »

1:09 am  

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