Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Back on the Rock and whaddya know, it's really hot up here. (Yes, everyone, I know I'm pale. Duh, I've been in Patagonia. Southern hemisphere? Reversal of the seasons? Snowball fight on Cup Match? There you go.)

Naturally it's all been procrastinating-as-usual so clearly haven't even mentally drafted my posts on Re-entry, The Return of the Fu, Catholicism and You: Know Thy Enemy, or My Friends Are So Incredibly Brilliant And Genius At Carrying Off A Fake Wedding And I'm So Proud Of Them. Which reminds me, for those who haven't yet seen Tony and Tina's Wedding at the Hamilton Princess, I HIGHLY recommend you go. Honestly. It wasn't just fun because three of our friends have roles in it, including the lead (yeah Tony!), it really just was the best wedding I have ever been to. (It counts even though it was a fake wedding.) And next week is GS's last week as Tony, so get your tickets ASAP!

Where was I. Oh yeah, the point is now that Hurricane Nate is strolling towards us, I've been drafted back on to Hurricane Watch at the Gazette, and I still have about four loads of laundry to do before the power goes out tomorrow, I won't be catching up anytime soon. Yup, the RG. I tried not to go back but I couldn't help it. It really is pathetic how much I miss That Place. Especially considering (as Sweater pointed out repeatedly) I'm really not missing much. Fortunately Aquamania is keeping me too busy to go back to Da Newz Kru full-time (save me from myself!).

So I just quickly wanted to say that, despite the hurricanes and awful steaminess (how I miss Buenos Aires suddenly) and bouncers at the Wine Cellar who tell me it's too full to let me in (I just left five minutes ago to get money and it was half empty, not to mention I can see it's empty through the door, asshole) and all the usual conflicting feelings about being tossed back up on the Rock, it IS good to be home. It's really, really good to be home.

Now, to stock up on the batteries, canned food, and propane ... bring it on, Nate!


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3:19 pm  

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