Sunday, September 11, 2005

This used to be my playground

Well Hurricane Nate spared us but even so, here it is a Sunday night and I'm back home: once again eating take out from Portofino's at the RG.

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

I was weak. I couldn't say no. I even suggested that I work a few shifts, hurricane or no hurricane. Ok, I am a poor student and do need the money, but still. What could have possessed me?

So here I am with Big Stu, listening to the familiar refrains of singing (or something like that) coming from over at the sub-editors' desk. My own desk has been commandeered by another reporter and, even though he is not working tonight and my old chair beckons me sadly, I just couldn't sit there. Not even though the navigational star chart I once printed out and stuck on my bulletin board is still there (is this other reporter interested in the stars also or does he just never clean my desk? My poor desk! What has he done to you!). Instead I took Sweater's old desk right next to mine - a move which proved to be ill thought out as, although I clearly gave those I contacted this evening Sweater's number, they all nevertheless called me back on my old number at my old desk. I might as well have just sat at my old desk. Yes, life here is still an exercise in futility.

As has the sub on duty, I have also been impressed with my sheer incompetence tonight. I can no longer log on to SaxoPress and therefore can no longer access my online little black book with all my contacts' numbers in it (the phone book is useless, why do they even bother to print it? And where did I get all those magic numbers from in the first place?). But even so. It's pretty amazing how stupid three months of empanadas and Harry Potter in Spanish can make you. Surviving in Argentina as a vegetarian does take a certain amount of resourcefulness, but apparently it's not the same kind of resourcefulness I used to rely on as a reporter. Hopefully I won't need reporter resourcefulness in grad school, because if so I might as well pack it in right now.

Which reminds me. GS and I have discovered who one of our fellow students will be: Monica Lewinsky. Yes, The Monica Lewinsky. We definitely have to make friends with her. I'd love to hear that girl's story from her own mouth!


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